• 内驱-力⑬ | 2009届校友陈冲博士一作在Nature发表安慰剂镇痛的神经回路基础研究
  • 作者:  编辑:张晓静  来源: 生物世界 温州医科大学校友会  浏览:; 时间:2024年10月09日 22:00

  • 日前,北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校 Grégory Scherrer团队在国际顶尖学术期刊 Nature 在线发表重要成果:“Neural circuit basis of placebo pain relief” ,该研究发现了安慰剂效应缓解疼痛的一个大脑神经回路——前扣带回皮质喙部(rACC)向脑桥核(Pn)的神经元投射(rACCPn)。2009届校友陈冲博士为该论文第一作者。




    研究团队在小脑内发现了一个细胞簇——浦肯野细胞(Purkinje cell),这些细胞在疼痛缓解预期期间表现出类似于rACCPn神经元的活动模式,它们或许能编码rACCPn通路中的疼痛缓解预期,这为小脑在认知性疼痛调节中的作用提供了细胞水平的证据。这些发现为使用药物、电极神经刺激或认知行为疗法靶向前额皮质-脑桥-小脑通路来治疗和缓解疼痛开辟了可能性。



    Placebo effects are notable demonstrations of mindbody interactions. During pain perception, in the absence of any treatment, an expectation of pain relief can reduce the experience of paina phenomenon known as placebo analgesia. However, despite the strength of placebo effects and their impact on everyday human experience and the failure of clinical trials for new therapeutics, the neural circuit basis of placebo effects has remained unclear. Here we show that analgesia from the expectation of pain relief is mediated by rostral anterior cingulate cortex (rACC) neurons that project to the pontine nucleus (rACCPn)a precerebellar nucleus with no established function in pain. We created a behavioural assay that generates placebo-like anticipatory pain relief in mice. In vivo calcium imaging of neural activity and electrophysiological recordings in brain slices showed that expectations of pain relief boost the activity of rACCPn neurons and potentiate neurotransmission in this pathway. Transcriptomic studies of Pn neurons revealed an abundance of opioid receptors, further suggesting a role in pain modulation. Inhibition of the rACCPn pathway disrupted placebo analgesia and decreased pain thresholds, whereas activation elicited analgesia in the absence of placebo conditioning. Finally, Purkinje cells exhibited activity patterns resembling those of rACCPn neurons during pain-relief expectation, providing cellular-level evidence for a role of the cerebellum in cognitive pain modulation. These findings open the possibility of targeting this prefrontal cortico-ponto-cerebellar pathway with drugs or neurostimulation to treat pain.


    2009届麻醉学专业校友,美国北卡莱罗纳大学教堂山分校神经科学家,研究领域为Neurobiology of Pain and Opioids,专注于疼痛、阿片类药物和麻醉的研究。近年来先后获得Stanford School of Medicine Dean’s Postdoctoral FellowshipInscopix Tech AwardSociety of General Physiologists Annual Meeting Poster AwardIARS Mentored Research Awards (IMRA)等奖项。

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