• 内驱-力③ | 2013届校友林贤丰在Nature发表原创性科研成果
  • 作者:  编辑:张晓静  来源:   浏览:; 时间:2022年12月08日 18:11

  •   日前,温州医科大学2013届校友、浙江大学医学院附属邵逸夫医院骨科林贤丰医师、1983届校友范顺武教授团队与浙江大学化学系唐睿康教授团队成功从菠菜中提取了具有光合作用的“生物电池”——类囊体,并通过精密的制备技术,在国际上首次实现植物的类囊体跨物种递送到动物体衰老病变的细胞内,让动物细胞也拥有植物光合作用的能量,以此敲开逆转细胞退变衰老的“时光之门”。这项原创性科研成果于12月8日被国际顶级期刊《自然》(《Nature》)杂志以长文(Article)形式刊登。

       “遵循自然规律、创新性突破向细胞输送能量的世界难题、开辟了代谢工程的可能性……” 《自然》(《Nature》)杂志资深编辑和审稿人对浙大邵逸夫医院科研团队的这项最新研究成果给予高度评价。据介绍,该项研究最令人兴奋之处在于,团队开发了细胞膜纳米涂层技术,将哺乳动物细胞膜包覆在纳米化植物类囊体外层,通过细胞膜伪装包封的方式巧妙地将植物类囊体种间移植到哺乳动物细胞,成功解锁跨物种间的能量传递的“密码”,实现特异性供应能量,并在退行性骨关节炎疾病的治疗应用中得以验证。  



        Insufficient intracellular anabolism is a crucial factor involved in many pathological processes in the body. The anabolism of intracellular substances requires the consumption of sufficient intracellular energy and the production of reducing equivalents. ATP acts as an ‘energy currency’ for biological processes in cells, and the reduced form of NADPH is a key electron donor that provides reducing power for anabolism. Under pathological conditions, it is difficult to correct impaired anabolism and to increase insufficient levels of ATP and NADPH to optimum concentrations. Here we develop an independent and controllable nanosized plant-derived photosynthetic system based on nanothylakoid units (NTUs). To enable cross-species applications, we use a specific mature cell membrane (the chondrocyte membrane (CM)) for camouflage encapsulation. As proof of concept, we demonstrate that these CM-NTUs enter chondrocytes through membrane fusion, avoid lysosome degradation and achieve rapid penetration. Moreover, the CM-NTUs increase intracellular ATP and NADPH levels in situ following exposure to light and improve anabolism in degenerated chondrocytes. They can also systemically correct energy imbalance and restore cellular metabolism to improve cartilage homeostasis and protect against pathological progression of osteoarthritis. Our therapeutic strategy for degenerative diseases is based on a natural photosynthetic system that can controllably enhance cell anabolism by independently providing key energy and metabolic carriers. This study also provides an enhanced understanding of the preparation and application of bioorganisms and composite biomaterials for the treatment of disease.

        浙江大学医学院特聘研究员、主治医师,研究生导师。第十一届中国青年创业奖获得者、浙江省医坛新秀。近年来主要围绕去免疫原性天然生物材料制备与骨肌系统再生修复的机理和应用转化,开展了跨学科交叉研究,以通讯/第一作者在国际权威期刊Nature、MatterDevelopmental Cell、Science Advances、JACS、Biomaterials等发表SCI论文30余篇H指数21。主持国家自然面上和青年等项目3项。

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